Our Agile Spectrum® LED Generation 2 Grow Light (ASGL192-GEN2) has eight separate, individually controlled channels of LEDs that allow the user to adjust the spectrum of output light to virtually any spectrum required. In addition to these multiple channels, the lights can be run in a DC mode or a pulse width modulation (PWM) mode, in which the frequency of modulation is fully adjustable from 1 Hz to well over 2 kHz and from 0 to 100% duty cycle. Each channel can be populated with LEDs tailored to the specific needs of the grower or researcher. For example, we can configure our lights to incorporate a single channel of white LEDs, to which the grower can switch, easily allowing him or her to check plant genotype, for disease, as well as other visual inspections.
Proposed product label for the Astro Space Agile Spectrum 2 fixture (as tested at 120 VAC, 350 mA supply current to all channels and at a constant temperature) based on the layout proposed in: Both, A.J., B. Bugbee, C. Kubota, R.G. Lopez, C. Mitchell, E.S. Runkle, and C. Wallace. 2017. Proposed product label for electric lamps used in the plant sciences. HortTechnology 27(4):544‐549. 24 inches equals approximately 61 cm.
Spatial distribution of PAR (400‐700 nm) measured at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 cm from directly below the center of the fixture at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, and 330 degrees. The Agile Spectrum 2 was mounted such that the bottom of the fixture was 24” above the top of the spectroradiometer sensor head when it was located immediately beneath the fixture (at 0 cm). The fixture was operated at 120 VAC and an LED supply current of 350 mA per channel, with all channels turned on. Note: The fixture was mounted lengthwise in the direction of the 0° and 180° line.
- 8 Channels with individual control via web based software
- Selectable wavelengths for each channel at order point
PAR + wavelength options - Adjustable Spectrum
Pulse Width Modulation
Current Modulation - Mesh Network for programing
- Robust heat sink
- Separate DC power supply reduces need for heat dissipation in growth chamber